Mike Cushionbury

These last two weeks have been chaotic to say the very least. After the Big Bear NORBA National, the Big?ol D-Wide was returned to my home pad. I gave the cats a quick bath, and then it was back on the road. The next week I was in Vancouver, BC. I spent most of my time at the Norco offices, watching the Norco freeride and downhill teams ride some the most amazing trials I’ve ever seen. What’s really amazing is that these men (and women) aren?t considered two-wheeled overlords. They are just regular riders who go for a ride. They aren’t North Shore Riding. It is just freeriding.
Urban freeriding is a Vancouver tradition. We all get on our DH bikes, jump stairs, benches and do other tricks in the city. We arrived in the city at 11:45 pm, rode until 2am, and stopped at Burger King in the middle. It was amazing! It was great! You aren’t freeriding in urban areas if you have a hardtail that has flat bars.
Roach is a Vancouver clothing favourite. Ingrid Doerr, the owner of Roach, was on hand to meet me at their offices. Ingrid Doerr started as a bicycle messenger, and then became a professional mountain bike racer. She designs the most fashionable and useful digs on the Shore, having founded Roach in 1990. Her designs show that she is an expert in her field.
Roach’s Menace 2 Society video is a great choice for a sweet video. You will find BMX, motocross and mountain bike racing as well as freeriding, urban assault, and motocross. It is well worth calling 709-3377 to make a call.
The September issue will feature a full story about the Shore and its riders.

Checkin? My World Cup correspondent went missing. I received phone and email messages. Call me if you see a Volvo-Cannondale hat-wearing man giving instructions to his riders.